Everyone wants to find that magic weight loss program that allows him or her to lose weight easily. Often you will find that you have to give up something to lose weight, however, you should never have to give up your health. Some weight loss methods can be very hazardous to your health.
It may seem tempting to follow an easy weight loss plan but you need to be sure that you understand the plan and the risks that can be associated with these types of plans.
Some people have turned to prescription pills to help them lose weight. Some people use amphetamines to help them lose weight, but most doctors do not want to give these types of prescriptions for weight loss.
These prescriptions only suppress your appetite and your habits are not changed, so when you go off the medication you tend to quickly gain back the weight you lost. These prescription diet pills can also be addictive and can cause many side effects such as sleeplessness, heart problems, hypertension, and hallucinations.
Ephedra is an herb that many have turned to, to try to lose weight. It is an Asian herb and is found in a variety of weight loss products. Ephedra does suppress appetite. However, over 70 deaths have been associated with taking Ephedra. This can be a dangerous way to lose weight and you do not want to harm your health, or even die, trying to lose weight.
Another weight loss supplement is called Fen-phen and was very popular in the 90's. Fen-phen is Phentermine Fenfluarmine-phentermine. Together they ended up causing damage to valves in the hearts and were implicated in deaths to that effect. Now you can still purchase weight loss products that contain Phetermine by itself, however there are a variety of side affects that include hypertension, dizziness, headaches, irregular heartbeat, and insomnia.
Some people have turned to home remedies to help purge away weight and have used laxatives to do this. Using laxatives in this way, which is not their intended use, can actually cause irregular heart rate, low potassium, and even damage to the pancreas. Some people not only have used laxatives to purge their systems but some have begun forcing themselves to vomit or have used enemas to help purge their system. These methods can all be very dangerous leading to vitamin deficiencies and damage to the esophagus.
Many people have also used smoking as a way to control their weight. Some people have been afraid to quit smoking because they were afraid of weight gain. Smoking can be very detrimental to your health and to equal the bad effects of smoking you would have to gain over 100 pounds to equal them. If you want to lose weight you need to find a way to deal with any cravings for food you may have instead of turning to cigarettes.
Diuretics have also been used to help people with weight loss. Diuretics get rid of fluids in the body and it often gets rid of fluids that you need such as electrolytes. You can actually end up dehydrated and it can lead to water retention. If you continually use diuretics you can end up with severe kidney problems and this could result in kidney failure or heart failure, which can kill you.
Remember that while weight loss can help you improve your health, losing weight in an unhealthy manner can lead to many other medical problems. Your health is important and so is losing weight, but you need to be sure that you find a way to lose the weight in a healthy way. Often consulting with your doctor can help you find a healthy way to lose weight.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Avoid These Dangerous Weight Loss Methods
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Nihaar Gujjar
12:19 PM
Weight Training Exercise and Dieting
Is weight training exercise important when dieting? Many experts will quickly tell you "yes" if you ask them this question. Why? It's because weight training builds muscle and helps increase the body's metabolic rate. This means, that even while resting, a person who weight trains and who has built more muscle in their body will burn more calories than a person who doesn't do any weight training.
Plus, weight training workouts typically burn more calories per minute of exercise than cardio workouts do.
But, for women especially, the thought of doing weight training exercises with the intent of building muscle scares them because they think it will make them look less feminine and too masculine. A woman shouldn't worry though. Unless she does a tremendous amount of muscle building exercises (hours a day) she will not develop a more masculine physique.
Many experts are now recommending that women pick up heavier weights to help them build more muscle and a lean, toned body that is healthy.
Curves for women is one national chain that promotes a circuit type workout for women that builds muscle without building bulk. They recommend doing their 30 minute workout three times a week. That doesn't mean a person should only exercise three times a week. Cardio exercise can be done every day of the week. Curves isn't the only choice for women who wish to do weight training exercises. The YMCA is a good place for both men and women who want to get in shape.
Muscle building exercises shouldn't be done every day though because they fatigues the muscles too much (except for body builders who spend hours a day in a gym following highly specialized workouts under the advice of highly trained trainers). Muscles need a day to rest and recover from their workout before being worked out again. That's why the recommendation for most people is three weight training sessions a week, doing cardio workouts the other days of the week, with one day a week off to rest.
Another benefit of weight training workouts while dieting that many people don't think of is that they prevent the loss of lean body mass that typically occurs when people diet. What typically happens when a person goes on a diet is they lose some of their muscle mass along with that unwanted fat. Weight training exercise also strengthens bones and connective tissue.
So, to help your weight loss efforts be successful, do three 30 minute weight training exercise sessions a week. Not only will they help you lose weight, they will help you get stronger, more toned, and healthier
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
12:10 PM
Weight Loss Surgery: What You Need To Know
If you have been unsuccessful in losing weight after exhausting all weight loss methods, you may be considering weight loss surgery. It is important that you know the basic things of the surgery and how it will change your life afterwards.
There are many types of weight loss surgery but they can be dividend into 3 categories based on procedures done. These are: Restrictive, Malabsorptive and a Combination. The restrictive procedure will limit your food intake by sectioning off a portion of your stomach.
Eating less would mean losing weight. While in malabsoptive procedure, the digestive process is altered so that a lesser amount of food you eat is absorbed.
Weight loss surgery has higher success rate than any other weight loss programs. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the process.
-Rapid weight loss
-Improved health due to change in eating habits
-Reduced health problems (such as heart problems, diabetes) due to losing weight
-Makes you more confident and energetic
-Makes you more happy
-Increases life span
-Risks involved in the surgery such as dehydration, bleeding, cardiac problems, bowel obstructions, etc (depending on the type of procedure you will take)
-Uncomfortable (during the surgery)
Changing your lifestyle will help in prolonging the effect of the weight loss surgery. Here are some tips that you may do once you've undergone a weight loss surgery.
-Follow a diet plan and take food supplements. Since your body is now designed to take lesser food, you have to make necessary adjustments to your meals as well. Chew your food very well. Then, take food supplements everyday to compensate the vitamins and minerals that your body may not be able to take because of the reduced food intake.
-Resolve emotional problems. Scrap the idea about your old self. Love yourself and be happy. Don't think that losing weight can be done overnight. It will take a lot of time and discipline to achieve the desired weight. Have patience and you should see a beautiful new you in the long-run.
-Take regular exercise. The good effects of exercising are a known fact. It would help you in having the long term effect of the weight loss surgery. Moreover, a person can easily adapt to the new lifestyle if he first condition his body.
-Join support groups. It would be more encouraging if you are surrounded by people who understand you. Your family would be your first support group. It is important that they are informed of your goals so that they can easily guide or help you in achieving them.
Then you can also join weight loss groups in your community where you can get inspiration from. You will meet people who had the same problem that you are experiencing right now and are willing to lend a helping hand.
Remember, that seeking professional help is recommended so that you can get accurate information before even deciding to undergo any weight loss surgery.
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Nihaar Gujjar
12:02 PM
The Perfect Balance: Diet + Exercise = Healthy Weight Maintenance
As many dieter's discover, finding the right balance between diet and exercise can be tricky. In order to ensure healthy weight loss and maintenance, equal attention should be paid to both what you eat and how you exercise. Without balance, your weight can fluctuate. Aside from the frustration this causes, studies have shown that yo-yo dieting is actually more harmful than carrying extra weight. Learning to find the proper balance between diet and exercise can help you to secure and keep the perfect weight for your body type.
All About Calories
The best way to gauge the balance between the amount you eat and how much exercise you need is to count your calories on a daily basis. Once you know how much food you are taking in, planning an exercise program to burn off the required amount of calories gets a lot easier. Of course, every person is different and other factors such as metabolism, body type, age and your current weight will also play a part in determining the right balance of diet and exercise. Learning how many calories your body needs will also help you to decide how much exercise you need to lose or maintain your weight. As a general rule, most women need approximately 2000 calories a day to maintain their current weight. If you are more active, you can allow for more calories, if you are less active, you should require fewer calories. Adding an exercise regimen to your schedule can help to burn additional calories and will help you to lose weight.
The Problem with Plateaus
Once you find the right balance between diet and exercise, you may find yourself running into weight loss plateaus. Although you may be participating in the same activities and consuming the same amount of calories, sometimes the body doesn't seem to want to lose any more weight. When this happens, there are several ways you can breach the plateau:
Increase Your Exercise. Adding to your normal exercise program is one way to up the ante on your weight loss plan. Once you have been exercising for a while, increasing the difficulty level can help to build your strength and endurance.
Fast for a Day. Many experts attribute weight loss plateaus to a reactionary affect by your body's metabolism. While long term fasting can be dangerous, limiting yourself to water for a single day can clean out your system and re-boot your metabolism.
Change Your Diet. A change in diet can also help to boost your metabolic rate. By introducing new foods to your diet, you may be able to trick your metabolism back into action.
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Nihaar Gujjar
12:01 PM
Using the Safe and Natural Method of Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss, You Can Be Slim & Trim for Life
The strategy of slim people remains a mystery to anyone who battles their weight. Could it be that slim-and-trim folks simply approach food and eating with a different mindset?
For years, scientists and medical doctors have contemplated this. Sure, genes may play a role in your body structure and type. For instance, if your mother is pear-shaped, chances are that you, too, may be heavier through the hips, thighs and buttocks area. If your father is apple-shaped, chances are you may be more round in the middle.
Likewise, if weight problems or obesity run in your family, you may be more susceptible to a life-long battle with your weight.
But discipline is, in many cases, the determining factor when it comes to achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight.
The good news is that using self hypnosis for weight loss, you may be able to achieve the discipline you need to change your most harmful and most damaging diet patterns--the very thoughts and actions that have caused you to put on those unwanted pounds in the first place.
Self hypnosis for weight loss can help you to get a handle on your most daunting weight problems. What's more, it can help you keep a tight grip on your weight, and allow you to finally enjoy the freedom that comes with living in skin you are comfortable with and feel confident about.
It works like this. Self hypnosis for weight loss can be used to encourage and evaluate responses to suggestions. When using hypnosis, you are guided by a hypnotist to respond to suggestions for changes in subjective experience, alterations in perception, sensation, emotion, thought or behavior.
Using hypnosis for weight loss, you too can learn just how good it feels to take back control over your diet and yourself and to enjoy eating foods that are good for you and help your body to perform at its best every day.
You will not only look better, but you will feel better. And, without those unwanted pounds, you will find that you sleep better and that your energy level soars throughout the day, allowing you to complete everything on that growing daily to-do list, while still enjoying downtime and more physical activities with your children and your friends.
So, what's holding you back from giving weight loss hypnosis a try? The truth is you having nothing to lose, except those unwanted pounds, and everything to gain, including increased self-esteem, looking and feeling better, better health and more.
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Nihaar Gujjar
11:52 AM
Does Cabbage Soup Diet Help You To Loss Weight
If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, you may have come across the Cabbage Soup Diet. This easy to follow diet is a radical weight loss diet which claims that the more low-calorie cabbage soup you take over a period of 7 days, the more weight you will lose. In fact, this diet claims that you will see drastic weight loss of about 10 pounds within 7 days.
As this diet is designed for short-term weight loss and requires no long-term commitment, it is little wonder that it has become one of the most popular diet around. Another reason for its popularity is that with cabbage, which has negligible calorie, as the main ingredient of this fat burning soup, you need not worry about spending too much money on it or gaining weight.
So Does This Diet Work?
This do-it-yourself diet claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds within a week. While that may be true, nutritional experts have pointed out that the weight loss is mainly due to water loss and not fat. They noted that it is quite impossible to lose that much fat within a week. Another point to note is that the loss of weight from this diet is temporary and hence you will probably gain back your weight soon after that.
Another point to note is that the original Cabbage Soup Diet tastes bland, hence many recipes for this diet has high salt content to make it palatable. For people who are not able to take such high sodium content, they should stay away from this diet. Dieters should should realise that there is practically no protein from this diet. As a result, people have reported feeling weak and light-headed during the course of the diet. One common reported side effect that result from the diet is flatulence. Hence, you should be prepared should you take up this diet. Of course, it is always advisable for you to consult your doctor before following this diet.
The fact is that Cabbage Soup Diet, although is a low-fat and high-fiber diet, is not a nutritionally balanced plan nor can it bring about permanent weight loss. With the emphasis on cabbage as a main ingredient, the diet lacks certain important vitamins and minerals. To follow this diet, you must also be prepared for the monotonous meals.
Personally I believe that this diet can be counter productive. Since the diet would force your body to go into slower metabolism, it would then encourage your body to hold on to your fat reserves. In the end, you may only be delaying your weight loss plan.
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Nihaar Gujjar
11:39 AM
How To Lose Weight Using Hypnosis
Deciding to lose weight, whether a lot or just a little, shows that a person wants to be fit, healthy and probably feel more attractive.
Once on a diet and resisting the desire to eat chocolate and other good food we like, life seems a little less exciting. The enthusiasm we had at the beginning of our diet is disappearing a little because the weight just does not seem to be coming off fast enough. At first it drops fast but then slows down to a pound or so a week which is very discouraging. It almost seems like a wasted effort to stay on the diet but we try to remain strong and positive. Every time we turn on the television or open a magazine we see food, chocolate and all the goodies we are trying so hard to resist.
We often have a little stash of chocolate or other forbidden foods on hand because it is such a waste to throw them out, others in the house like them or as a treat for when we reach our desired weight. You start thinking about this but try to ignore the urge and it just gets louder and stronger. That little piece of chocolate seems to be stronger than your willpower.
You justify eating a forbidden food by saying that you are weak and could not resist, lack willpower and the thought was just too strong. The bottom line is that you really wanted some forbidden candy so you made it powerful than yourself. The bottom line is that you want to lose weight so you fit into your clothes and are not happy with the way you look. You do want to lose weight but you do not want to have to give anything up to achieve this weight loss.
How Weight Loss Hypnosis Helps
Your subconscious undermines your desire to loose weight because it is not on board with what you are trying to achieve. As long as your greater will and subconscious mind are not aligned, you experience self-sabotage.
The tool to use when you need to re-align your subconscious is hypnosis. Weight loss hypnosis does not take away your sense of accomplishment or achievement. It helps you made healthy choices while resisting the wrong foods. During the process, you feel good about yourself and feel less concern about the speed in which you loose weight. Weight loss hypnosis is not about dieting. It is about changing the way you think about yourself, re-aligning your beliefs and deeper drives so you are not fighting or trying to resist these thoughts. Hypnosis removes the guilt from dieting and guilt is what often adds more weight.
If you have tried almost every diet on the market with little or no success, then it may be time to try weight loss hypnosis. This could be your answer to dieting.
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Nihaar Gujjar
11:12 AM
Facts About Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery is a treatment for those who are extremely obese and is a very severe treatment. It should be used as a last resort for obesity and should only be used if all other weight loss methods have totally failed.
There are two types of gastrointestinal surgery, which are known as restrictive weight loss surgery and malabsorbtive surgery. These two surgeries have different purposes but have the same risks and the same hoped outcomes.
Restrictive weight loss surgery is used to help restrict the amount of food that can be consumed at a given time. Often this is performed by stapling the stomach. This surgery creates a very small pouch to hold a small amount of food at the top of the stomach.
This causes the person to feel very full after eating very little food. Usually patients can only eat less than a cup of food at a time or they will become sick to their stomach. This surgery makes sure that patients can eat only small amounts of food at a time.
Another type of is malabsorbtive surgery, commonly known as a gastric bypass surgery. This type of surgery is usually more common than the restrictive weight loss surgery. This type of surgery is supposed to prevent nutrients from being absorbed into the body. This surgery accomplishes that by actually bypassing most of the intestine. Not only does this result in a reduced appetite, but it also leads to losing a quite amount of weight.
There are side effects that come with these special surgeries. Side effects can include ulcers of the stomach, gas, diarrhea, nutrition deficiencies, and fainting. Before you have this type of surgery, you must be evaluated by a doctor so it can be decided if you are a candidate for this type of serious surgery.
To qualify, you must bee at least 100 pounds overweight and not have had success with other methods of weight loss. If you have serious health problems due to obesity you may also be a candidate for this type of surgery. If you decide to consider having this, be sure that you take the time to contemplate the risks associated with it.
You will have to also make sure you can finance since many insurance companies will not cover the surgery. Be sure that you find a surgeon who is experienced and who will help you through the entire process.
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Nihaar Gujjar
11:11 AM
Shed Those Pounds With These Weight Loss Tips
Weight loss is a topic that is often addressed wrong. Everywhere you go, you see the latest and greatest weight loss diet and weight loss programs. I will say this up front right now ... there is no fast path to losing weight permanently. You can lose weight fast, but unless you make some changes, the weight will come back.
Now, there are many, many tips that will help you greatly in losing weight, and keeping it off. These are tips the big names don't want you to see.
The best way to lose weight is diet and exercise. Now, before you cringe, let me explain that a little further. Despite how complex and difficult those infomercials make it sound like, losing weight is a simple formula. Expend more energy than you take in. That simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you will 100% lose weight. You can work both sides of this equation, by both watching what you eat(no special diet foods, just be sensible), and by exercising. Now, a diet doesn't mean eating weird foods you hate, it means just keeping yourself in check. If you are eating less calories than you are burning, then you are going in the right direction.
The second tip really ties into the first. You need to make some changes to get yourself on the right track. This does include doing regular exercise, and also of changing how/what you eat. The changes might not be drastic, and you should still enjoy what you eat, or your diet change will make you fail. What you need to do is keep an eye on your calorie intake. This may mean things like changing from regular soda to diet soda. If you change your eating, but are calling it a diet in the bad sense, then you will eventually go back to eating the old way and all the work of weight loss will be lost. So, examine your daily diet, see what changes you can make to lower your calorie intake, and create a new diet that you can live with.
The next thing you need to do is set some goals that are realistic. While you may want to shoot for supermodel thin, and you'll get there in the end if that is really your goal, you need to set some smaller, more realistic goals. You might decide you want to lose 2 pounds a week, and go from there. There is a psychological reason here too. Most people give up on losing weight when they don't achieve what they want to. By setting smaller goals, it will enable you to reach those goals and give you more strength to finish the battle of losing weight.
This tip is one that every single person losing weight needs to listen to. Don't compare yourself to others. This is the second biggest reason why people quit losing weight. You look at others, and you feel like you'll never reach those goals. The best thing is to take some pictures before you start, and compare yourself to those, so you can see where all the hard work is paying off. To this end, figure out what your ideal weight should be, and make that your end goal.
Now you have your starting point, your end point, and your goals along the way. The next tip is to be sure you're checking your goals correctly. Be sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day, everyday. Your weight varies throughout the day, especially after meals. You absolutely need to weigh yourself at the same time so you have numbers to compare. Don't forget that while everyday might not be the best progress, look over your progress over the course of a few days to get a trend.
As you can see, there are many things to keep in mind when losing weight, but remember the main thing: expend more energy than you take in. Do that, and you're losing weight at some level. Combined with exercise, and you lose weight faster. You don't need anything from those infomercials to do it, just your own will power to lose weight permanently.
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Nihaar Gujjar
4:00 AM
Healthy Weight Loss Tricks
Over and over again we keep hearing the same tips about dieting and it could be helpful to get some new information and new tips for weight loss. Often it can be hard to stay motivated when on a new weight loss diet and having some new tips to guide you along can be helpful. Learn some new helpful tips to help you lose weight and to help encourage you in your pursuit of a slimmer you.
Weight Loss Trick: Taking Off 5 Quick Pounds
Maybe you are already looking good, but there are just those five extra pounds you would like to get rid of before your next date or your wedding. There is a quick way to get rid of these five pounds by cleaning out your system. If you spend the week before a big event eating vegetables and fruits and staying away from bread and pasta, while also drinking a lot of water daily you will be able to lose those five pounds. Not only will those five pounds be gone, but also you will feel energetic and will feel healthier than before.
Weight Loss Trick: Losing Pounds Without Cutting Calories
You can lose weight without going on a strict diet. You can exercise every day for about 30 minutes and begin losing weight. Not only will you burn more calories but also you will help to elevate your metabolism so you keep burning more calories even when you are not exercising. You can also have the benefits of lowered cholesterol and can help improve your circulation as well. If you walk a mile, dance for half an hour, or even play a game of baseball with your kids you can burn some calories and rev your metabolism.
Weight Loss Trick: Start Your Day the Right Way
You should never skip breakfast or try to get away with eating a quick breakfast bar because it is fast. You need to eat breakfast because this is the meal that gets your metabolism going for the day. Eating fruit and cereal is a great way to start out the day.
Weight Loss Trick: Take Your Vitamins
Eating a healthy diet is important, but even eating a healthy diet may not give you all the vitamins and minerals you need, especially if you are on a diet. You may be missing some of the nutrients that are essential to your body if you are on a diet. You can get a multivitamin that will help to supply those vitamins and minerals you need. Be sure that you get all the vitamins in your multivitamin, and you get the needed vitamin D if you go out in the sun for ten minutes every day.
Weight Loss Trick: Eat Lots of Vegetables
Many people eat a simple salad and think the have had their vegetables for the day. You need more than just salads and you should try to eat dark greens as well. You can get many of the needed vitamins and minerals you need if you eat your vegetables daily.
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Nihaar Gujjar
3:58 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Burn Fat And Lose Weight The Natural Way
Although they say there’s nothing new under the sun, it may be that weight reduction supplements made from a South American berry may be pretty close to being something new for us in North America.
This “wonder berry” is called Cha De Bugre and it grows deep in the heart of the Amazon Jungle in Brazil. It’s said to contain some very powerful natural compounds that turn up your body's fat burning furnace to give you the fastest, most energizing results.
Cha De Bugre has long been used in Brazil for many reasons. Essentially it is used for energy and alertness. It can also help reduce your appetite and to control cellulite. It can be used as a stimulant to gain energy and it can help support a healthy heart.
Chá de Bugre (Cordia ecalyculata), is a small tree 20-40 feet high and 1-2 feet in diameter with its origins in Brazil, though it also grows in other tropical parts of South America, such as Argentina and Paraguay.
The red cherry fruit resembles coffee beans, and thus Chá de Bugre is also known as 'café do mato' (coffee of the woods). In small villages, you can still find many locals using it as a coffee substitute.
But this amazing berry from Brazil goes way beyond coffee in its benefits to us. And it seems to have no drawbacks.
And, while we’re on the subject of drawbacks, it should be mentioned that its overall positive qualities separate Cha De Bugre from Ephedra, which you may remember, some years ago was the drug of promise for weight loss.
Well, after the fade of Ephedra, which was found to have a negative effect on heart function, the world renown of Chá de Bugre has come at the right time. Perhaps its fame was inevitable given our constant quest for healthy remedies without side effects.
For centuries in Brazil Chá de Bugre has been known as a very potent weight loss aid and you can find it in pharmacies, stores and even local stalls all around Brazil. Thanks to its wide range of applications, Chá de Bugre comes in various forms such as tea bags, tinctures and fluid extracts.
Dr. C. L. Cruz’s book, 'Dictionary of the Plants Used in Brazil', helped it gain worldwide popularity. There he explained and analyzed all of Cha De Bugre’s positive effects on the human body. He recommends Chá de Bugre as an excellent diuretic, a weight loss aid and as a general heart tonic that helps to stimulate the blood circulation.
It can also relieve coughs, regulate renal function, reduce uric acid, cure herpes and alleviate rheumatism and arthritis.
This makes a case for Cha De Bugre being a world class healing fruit.
My interest in it is because of its benefits in weight loss. Indeed, thanks to its great ability to suppress the appetite, the patient's body feels satisfied after eating only a small amount of food. This feature promotes the idea of smaller meals throughout the day and helps to achieve sustained weight loss and functional metabolism, avoiding the unpleasant Yo Yo effect.
In certain forms, Cha De Bugre acts as a thermogenic. (Thermogenics are dietary supplements that stimulate the body's burning of fat. They increase the metabolism of the body's adipose tissue, thus generating heat.)
So, if you have been searching for a safe and natural weight reduction food supplement then try products made from the Cha De Bugre berry such as Ignite 157.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
11:08 AM
Weight and Motorcycle
Have you ever bothered about the significance of weight to your bike? Maybe yes, but to other riders, the answer will be on the negative.
Weight affects the performance of the motorcycle. In fact, it greatly improves the bike’s braking acceleration and deceleration. Thus, to reduce the weight of the wheels can make a great boost. That change can be a catalyst to achieve your most desired motorcycle performance.
Motorcycle parts and accessories play an important role in the performance of the motorcycle. They can break or make a history. This is the reason why we have to know them by heart and apply the best solution to bring out the best in every part.
In connection to weight, it must be correlated to these motorcycle parts. Say for instance, the tires. Weight can be considered in two ways – the static weight and the dynamic weight. The first speaks of the weight the motorcycle is not moving while the former deals with the weight when the motorcycle is at motion.
In static weight, the reduction of every ounce of the wheels weight is equal to four ounces on the sprung part. If we take magnesium wheels which normally weigh ten pounds lesser than stock aluminum wheels, the weight reduction is equivalent to forty pounds.
That will be tantamount to a lot of carbon and titanium. In dynamic weight, we can have weight reduction on the rim of the wheel because this is where real action is. Here, every ounce of weight reduction on the rim is equivalent to approximately twenty-five pounds of weight at 100 MPH.
Magnesium wheels usually reduce the total rim weight of the wheels by 20 ounces, the least. This means that the motorcycle will weigh 500 pounds less at 100 MPH. This is the real weight.
As mentioned earlier, weight is connected to speed. Speed reduction, on the other hand is connected to the bike’s velocity. Thus, as the bike increases its speed the weight will also increase exponentially.
Reducing the weight is easy. You just need to consider using lighter materials, load and applying the laws of science. Bear in mind that lighter wheels result to greater performance!
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
11:06 AM
How To Reduce Weight Fast And Lose Fat Forever Fast Weight Reduction Tip
So you have tried dieting to reduce weight. You have also popped all kinds of weight reduction pills you can get your hands on. To your delight your effort seemed to work as you begin to lose body fat steadily. Then one day, before you reach your desired weight, you begin to notice that your weight seemed to stay the same even though you are still on the diet and popping those pills. To your horror, you discover that the weight you had lost is beginning to pile up once again. Instead of reducing weight, you are now gaining weight. Sounds familiar?
What happened? Simply put, slimming pills and fad diets are only short term strategy to reduce weight and keeping body fat at bay. To reduce weight and lose fat forever, your caloric expenditure must surpass your caloric consumption. Aren’t you doing that in your diet? Yes you are. But when you are on a diet, you go hungry and your body will signal to your brain to conserve fat for energy because your body is built with a mechanism to conserve fat during famine and it will not know whether it is famine season or that you are on a diet. In this instance, your body will consume your muscle for energy instead of your body fat and this spells trouble because your muscle is a great calorie gobbler. So with less muscle, your fat burning capability grinds to a screeching halt.
What about those weight reducing pills you are taking? If you are popping appetite control pills, your body will react like you are on a diet, so the same thing happened. What about pills that help to increase metabolism or reducing starch intake? Sure, they will help to burn a few calories or restrict some calories from turning into body fat, but are enough calories burnt or restricted to reduce weight permanently or are you going to take those unhealthy weight reduction pills forever? Obviously not, isn’t it?
So to reduce weight and lose fat forever, we need to do 3 things.
• Cardio exercises – Do cardio exercises at 65-85% of your maximum heart rate to burn tons of calories
• Lift weight – Train with weights to grow muscle or at least prevent muscle loss. The more muscle you have, the higher will be your natural fat burning capability. You will burn fat even when sleeping. In other words, you lose fat permanently.
• Eat small frequent meals – This will signal to your brain that food is in abundance and that your body need not conserve fat in case of famine. So eat 5- 6 meals at 3 hourly intervals. However, do make sure that your meals are small and that your caloric intake do not surpass your caloric expenditure.
When you incorporate these 3 elements into your lifestyle, you will not only reduce weight and lose body fat, you will also keep the weight from creeping back. That means, you will reduce weight and able to maintain your ideal weight forever.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:43 AM
How Many Calories Can I Have and Still Lose Weight
How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose Weight
To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there. You can go about this in many ways. Most people simply choose an arbitrary number like 1200 calories and that's what they eat, but in nearly every case that's not nearly enough calories to ensure adequate nutrition, not to mention the deprivation that sets up.
While losing weight and to this day, I eat over 2000 calories a day on average and I've maintained a good weight for my height for over 17 years. Remember, your body requires calories to maintain itself.
Basic Calorie Requirements Calculation Based on Activity Level:
Sedentary : 13 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Sedentary is not exercising at all
Moderately Active: 16 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Moderately Active is exercising approximately 3-4 times per week
Very Active: 19 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Very Active is 5-7 strenuous exercise sessions per week.
If you weigh over 200 pound now, and you'd like to weigh closer to 150, here is a calculation you could use to get started: Assuming you are going to be adding enough exercise to quality as Moderately Active, we'll use 16 as our modifier:
150 pounds X 16 calories per pound = 2400 calories
Less 500 (Using the common 500 calories per day reduction) gives us a total of 1900 average calories per day
If you started to incorporate a plan that allowed an average of 1900 calories every day, you'd start to lose weight. The mistake most people make is to reduce calories too much, which ultimately sacrifices muscle plus sets you up for feeling deprived. It's far better in the long run to go more slowly, keeping as much muscle as possible while burning calories via exercise. Remember too, even if you don't eat quite that many calories on many days, you might eat more on the weekends for instance, so it ends up being closer to your goal of 1900 average per day. Take the total calories for the week divided by seven.
Remember, this average calorie number gives you plenty of wiggle room during the week. You can have some treats along with everyone else, or add more on weekends. Instead of constantly saying, "I can't, I'm on a diet," now you can say, "Thank you, that looks delicious," and enjoy some. It doesn't ruin your diet plan because you've got a large enough calorie allowance that if you are more careful some days than others, it will work out to the average number of calories you want. I tend to eat far less calories during the week than on weekends and my totals generally average out to 2000 to 2200 calories per day.
The 500 calorie reduction is a well accepted amount. You can reduce your calories further, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't benefit anyone to try for faster weight loss, in fact, if you reduce your calories too much you end up wasting muscle in the process, which is exactly what you do not want to do. If you want faster results, it's better to add more activity, thereby burning more calories at rest.
You may be thinking I'm nuts, recommending 1900 calories per day, but I can say for a fact that if you eat too little (1000 - 1200 calories is too few, IMO) then you set yourself up for all of the following:
You're going to feel deprived, mentally and physically. 1000 calories isn't enough for your basic metabolic needs, much less to fuel yourself for your activity needs. Add more food! Just have a bit more than you're already having, so for instance, if you are allowed 1/2 cup of vegetables is a whole cup going to ruin all your progress? I doubt it. Eat a whole cup, or go ahead and have two oranges. Fruits and vegetables are very low calorie but provide high nutrition.
Sure, some vegis and fruits are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar. I seriously doubt our planet grows any killer foods - it is more likely the food industry which has processed those foods to become nothing more than a dried powder, then add back more sugars, and chemicals so it will resemble the original product, is more harmful than a simple apple or banana?
If you are diabetic or must watch the sugars, have a small bit of protein along with the higher glycemic food, such as an ounce of cheese with your apple. Notice I said an ounce of cheese, not a slab big enough to feed a small country.
Metabolic Slow-Down
Feeding yourself too few calories sets you up for metabolic slow-down. Studies have shown time and again that a heavier person can find it difficult to lose weight, even though eating very low calories, simply because their body's metabolism is burning at such a slow rate. As you probably already know exercise helps to speed up your metabolism but so does eating. That's why they say breakfast is so important, not only to fuel yourself but because it starts the metabolic furnace burning, and it continues to burn all day. If you don't eat anything until noon, you don't stoke your furnace to start burning until then either.
Has the ultra low calorie approach worked for you so far? If not, why not try something more reasonable? Tag along with a friend who doesn't have a weight problem and you'll see how sometimes they eat more, sometimes less, but on average they eat enough to fuel their body and maintain their weight.
Adding more food gives you additional eye appeal. If you split up 1000 calories over the course of an entire day you're looking at pretty skimpy portions on your plate each time you eat. I like to feel like I'm getting enough to eat and I do this by rounding out my plate with extra vegetables.
If I'm having a frozen entree for instance, I'll cook up a cup or more of frozen vegetables to add to my plate. The extra vegis really fill me up, providing the satisfaction I need, and I often have a bit extra vegetables to throw away. Is that wasting food? No, it's smart. Far better for me mentally to have extra food to toss away than to be licking the plate because I'm still hungry. I'm also not likely to start wanting something else to eat right after dinner if I'm feeling content with the amount I've eaten.
Make an effort to learn to like your food as is. Plain mixed vegetables with nothing on them are delicious. It took me awhile to stop putting butter on them, and then even quitting the Molly McButter (just chemicals and sodium). I eat them plain and yes, they are great. Nature made our fruits and vegetables naturally sweet and all those "extras" we are used to using like butter on vegetables or potatoes certainly make things taste all yummy but they also make us larger than we need to be. Those "extra" calories add up.
Start to Slowly Make Ajustments to What You Eat or How Much You Eat
For instance wean yourself off adding sugar to your cold cereal. Read the label; all processed cereals contain a ridiculous amount of added sugar already. There's no need to add more. My only exception is brown sugar on oatmeal. I don't sugar my cereal at all anymore but it took me awhile to make the change. Start by adding a bit less, then next week cut back a bit more until you break the habit entirely. Tiny changes make up for big results over time.
If you feed yourself well, and focus on increasing your activity, even if only a little, then you will continue to lose fat, build muscle and get more shapely, all the while increasing your metabolism so you can eat more food!
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:41 AM
10 Weight Loss Busters You Shouldn't Eat
1. Fried Foods That Are Frightening
2. Steakhouse Stories That Scare
3. Manufacturers Mislead Many
4. Burgers That Are Bigger and Biggest
5. Awful Appetisers
6. Cakes and Cookies That Are Calorie Clogged
7. Diet Drinks That Deceive
8. High Calorie Horrors
9. Diet Disasters When Dining Out
10. Super Sized Servings That Sabotage Your Diet
1. Fried Foods That Are Frightening
Deep fried foods are nutritionally bad for you. If you enjoy going to fairs and carnivals, you may well be tempted to eat the strangest of concoctions. It's amazing just what has been thrown into the deep fryer in the name of creativity.
But the only thing you are going to create is havoc with your weight loss diet.
2. Steakhouse Stories That Scare
Your local neighbourhood restaurant or steakhouse may be a Nutritional Nightmare.
Fried onions that are considered a Starter Dish are so full of Calories, Fat, Saturated Fat and with a high Salt content. And to go from bad to worse, the onions are usually served with a sauce that has even more Calories, Fat and Salt.
For the sake of your health, be sure you know your onions.
3. Manufacturers Mislead Many
Foods that are often labelled as healthy are just the opposite. Marion Nestle PhD, MPH a New York University Nutritional Professor in her book ‘What To Eat,' talks of ‘Fruit Snacks' that have absolutely no fruit in them but were just laden with sugar.
Don't believe the adverts, read the labels carefully then decide for yourself if it's right for you.
4. Burgers That Are Bigger and Biggest
Burgers are getting bigger and bigger. Burger King and others are taking a bun and piling on as many as four burgers, plus slices of cheese and strips of bacon. Just one of these burgers will give you more Calories than you should eat if having three meals a day.
If you really do want a burger, try ordering a plain burger. It could be served with a sauce, but it should be on the side not on top.
That will save you eating more Calories than you need.
5. Awful Appetisers
How about a Fundido as a snack before the main meal?
A Fundido is made up of a combination of cheese, pepperoni, bacon and sausage served with bread sticks.
If you are on a weight loss diet, a Fundido is a nutritional no-no.
6. Cakes and Cookies That Are Calorie Clogged
You are tempted to have a square of Starbucks Old Fashioned Crumb Cake to go with your coffee but that little square has 670 Calories in it.
And a piece of Cheesecake has enough Calories in it to make a mess of your weight loss diet, but the Cheesecake Factory adds Chocolate Candy, Mousse etc.
Nice for a treat once a year, but for the rest of the year … DON'T.
7. Diet Drinks That Deceive
High Calorie drinks are so deceptive. They don't need chewing and go down real easy and they don't fill you up. So how can this innocent looking cup of coffee be loaded with 490 – 580 Calories? It could be the chocolate or cream that is added.
To avoid piling on the Calories, order a small size cup of coffee with low fat milk and sweeteners.
8. High Calorie Horrors
When you are out shopping at the Mall you may be tempted by the delicious aromas of coffees, spicy pies and the mouth watering smell of freshly made doughnuts.
But giving in to temptation could mean you may consume a day's worth of Calories in one delicious but none essential piece of confectionery.
Ok I'm being a spoil sport but, for the sake of your health and weight loss diet, you would be better to take along a snack of crackers and nuts or raw veggies. Enjoy.
9. Diet Disasters When Dining Out
Two decades ago, dining out was already beginning to be a disaster for the person who was on a weight loss diet. The menu offered high Calorie foods.
Things haven't improved over the years; in fact they have become worse. On the menu in restaurants are such things as fried macaroni and cheese and cheese fries. Just oozing with fat and packed with Calories.
In order to keep to your diet change into a fluffy bunny rabbit and talk yourself into eating and enjoying salads.
10. Super Sized Servings That Sabotage Your Diet
Have you noticed how it's not just fast food meals that have got bigger? So have bagels, pasta servings, salads and sandwiches. If you go out to a restaurant for a meal, most of the meals on the menu are going to be around 1 000 Calories.
The question to ask yourself is, do I really need this food? As Michelle May MD, author of ‘Am I Hungry?' and ‘What To Do When Diets Don't Work' said, that ‘Once a person indulges in a decadent dessert or monster burger, it triggers the ‘I've already blown my diet, so why bother,' mentality.
Beyond that, May believes, the real horror may be the American mind set about food. We were raised to clean the plate, so we could be rewarded with a dessert, which further enhances our desire to eat sweets and meals without recognition of fullness,' she says.
If you want to keep to your weight loss diet, learn what foods are best for you and avoid the ones that sabotage it.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:37 AM
Labels: Steps
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?
People decide to lose weight for a variety of reasons including looking better in a bathing suit or for health reasons. If you are starting a weight loss program, you need to know your reasons for doing it. So, stop and ask yourself. "Why do I want to lose weight?"
As with any thing in life you must have a strong enough reason for doing it. If you don't have a strong resolve and a solid reason for losing weight you will most likely be unsuccessful.
If you are like me you have gained and lost the same weight over and over through all different kinds of diets and I can tell you from experience that the common denominator in all my failures was not having a strong enough reason to stay on the diet and lose the weight and keep it off. Many times you will end up even heavier than when you started if you don't have a strong enough reason to maintain the weight loss.
In our busy world that we live in now it is easy to make excuses. I work too much, I have my family to attend to, I'm too tired, etc. I am telling you now that everyone has the same 24 hours to work with and some of the busiest people I know find the time to exercise. Sleep an hour less and take the time to exercise, you will appreciate it.
You have to be realistic. If you are 50 years old you are not going to have the body you had at 18, but you can have a body that 30 year olds would envy! Again, you must decide what you are seeking, do you want to be fit and muscular or do you just want to lose for health reasons. Maybe there is a history of heart disease and high cholesterol in your family like I have in mine, my mom had her first heart attack and triple bypass surgery at the age of 37. If that isn't a powerful reason to exercise and stay lean I don't know what is!
Just like goal setting your reasons for losing weight need to be written down. These are the things that will keep you going when you feel like quitting. Post the list all over. Put it on your bathroom mirror, at your desk, on your refrigerator, this way you are constantly reminded of why you are doing it. This will keep you from cheating and encourage you to grab a glass of water instead of that gallon of Ben and Jerry's!
Everyone starts from a different place. We all have reasons why we are where we are the way we are. We all have different reasons why we want to change and why we want to make things different. You have to know what these reasons are and be aware when they change to help in achieving your goals.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:30 AM
Making Lifestyle Changes For Permanent Weight Loss
So you want to lose some weight. Almost all of us have felt this way at some time or another. Maybe it's some holiday weight you want to work off, or maybe you've just decided that you would feel and look better with a little less bulk. Whatever the reason, losing weight can sometimes be difficult. It's often the case that you find yourself dealing with a very restrictive diet that is difficult to stick to, or other inconveniences. You can avoid much of this, however, by making some lifestyle changes that incorporate more healthy activities into your daily routine.
Although everyone will likely be tempted to try and lose weight as quickly as possible, unless you feel for some reason that this is absolutely necessary, it's better to take a long term approach. If you want to lose weight quickly, it's likely that you're going to have to make a restrictive and drastic diet change that will be hard to implement. This also means there's a good chance you will simply put the weight back on when you diet is over, or when you (inevitably) lapse from it.
A far better long term solution is making some lifestyle changes. Not only will this be an easier way to lose weight, but those pounds you lose will stay lost. The reason that lifestyle changes are an effective way to lose weight is that you don't have to alter your daily routine too much. Many people find the exercise regimens and diet changes involved in quick weight loss unrealistic - you never have enough hours in the day as it is, so it's hard to make more for exercise.
The best place to start in your attempt to lose weight is to look at things you do every day. First and foremost for most people is going to work. Many people live close enough to their employers to bike, but choose instead to drive. By biking to work you will not only be getting exercise and working towards your goal of losing weight, you will be saving money and doing a good thing for the environment. Try and think of other small changes in a similar vein: take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk on your lunch break instead of sitting at your desk. Although these chances may seem small and suspiciously convenient, they will go along way towards losing weight.
The other more pro-active way to lose weight through a lifestyle change is to engage in more athletic activities. Take up a sport, or go hiking on weekends. The beauty of this is that these things are entirely recreational: you're having fun at the same time that you're losing weight. It's much easier and more enjoyable to commit to going on a hike every weekend or playing tennis with a friend than it is to sit alone in gym: after all, there's a reason they call it "work"ing out.
Lifestyle changes go a long way towards losing weight, and anyone who incorporates some of the changes listed above should find themselves able to lose weight permanently.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:24 AM
Easy Weight Loss Tips
Losing weight is a very challenging task. Many people who try to lose weight have been undergoing many weight loss programs. Weight loss programs and diet tips are most likely your best option for a faster weight loss. You may try some weight loss tips that can help you achieve a physically fit body.
There are weight loss tips that enable you to learn how to step down on those weight loss equipment slowly and steadily. You will also undergo a training program for a low fat eating plan and practice a healthy way life.
Exercise and proper diet is the best alternative in losing weight. One of the keys for weight loss is to know the right weight loss tips accompanied by a proper exercise program.
There are no magic solutions or diet supplements that can reduce your weight in an instant. Motivation and dedication are also important aspects when you engage yourself in a weight loss and diet program.
If you are experiencing weigh loss problems, whether it is an extra 15 pounds or an extra 40 pounds, you should realize that it is important to reduce those extra pounds. You need to lose weight to avoid and prevent diseases and heart problems.
Here are some weight loss tips that will help you to lose weight easily.
1. You should have a positive approach towards your goal to lose weight. You need great amount of perseverance and consistency in order to follow your exercise routines and diet programs. This is very important for you to succeed. You are the only one who can convince yourself to look better and physically fit.
2. Eat low fat food and healthy foods in your diet. It is advisable that you also include foods that are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These foods are considered high in bulk. This means that you would feel full even with few calorie intakes.
3. When you are feeling hungry, drink plenty of water. Water can help you lessen your cravings. It is recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water everyday.
4. Even if you are eating foods that are low in fat, make to check on your calorie intake. Calories can add up to your weight, and there are fat free products and low fat products out there that would allow you to gain more weight.
5. Walking is an effective way of exercise. Walking has been proven to effectively burn the unwanted fats in the body. Leg muscles are also toned up when you do a lot of walking. It also strengthens the bones and helps you improve and develop a positive concept on your weight loss exercise program.
6. Engage yourself in daily activities to keep your body always active. You can enroll in an intense work out training program or aerobic workout sessions.
When setting your goal in achieving your ideal weight, you should be realistic on the weight that you want to achieve and maintain.
Always remember that having a healthy lifestyle is the best weight loss tip many experts advise. Nothing is better than having a physically fit and a healthy body.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:22 AM
Hands Down Best Advice On How To Lose Weight
People who are overweight are often looking for answers on how to lose weight. Many authors propose different solutions to the problem of how to lose weight but in the end, the best method varies from person to person. It is important that one evaluates many different methods available before finally choosing.
There are many books available that suggest how to lose weight. All these books have their own unique strategies as many people may not be able to follow all the steps mentioned in every program. There are also weight loss eBooks available that can be downloaded from the Internet.
It is also important to understand the reasons why we should lose weight. People who are obese may suffer from many types of disorders like high blood pressure, high sugar levels, gall bladder and gout problems. Hence it is not just enough for them to want to lose weight but also to understand how to achieve it.
So what is the best weight loss advice? The best answer on how to lose weight is a good combination of diet and exercise. You should avoid fats, sugars and oily foods. You should avoid fast foods like burgers and chips and also pastries, confectionaries, desserts and pastries. Instead, you should eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in your diet. Include high protein foods like lean meats or tofu. In addition, you should limit your consumption of alcohol, as it is a high calorie substance. You should also drink lots of water. You can start with light cardiovascular exercises like walking, stationary cycling, swimming, etc. Then you can proceed to doing heavier exercises like weight lifting and weight training. You should keep yourself physically active throughout the day. You can climb uphill or climb the stairs to your house or apartment.
The most important thing is to keep yourself motivated. Oftentimes, people start their weight loss program with lots of enthusiasm but soon lose interest and are back to their old ways.
You should also consult a dietician or doctor on how to lose weight. The dietician will generally work up a weight loss program for you after studying your case. It is normally a weekly or a monthly program on how to lose weight, with daily guidance on food choices. If you follow the program exactly as recommended by the dietician or doctor then you should be able to lose weight quickly.
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Posted by
Nihaar Gujjar
10:19 AM