Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Can Weight Reduction Reduce Sleep Apnea?

You may have heard about the rumor about how weight loss can help in reducing sleep apnea. Actually, it is not a rumor. It is a proven case! A recent study showed that obese men who started a regimen for losing weight experienced a significant reduction in sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disorder common among overweight individuals. This is when their breathing is interrupted during their sleep due to a collapsed or blocked airway. Most individuals who experience this disorder have to sleep with a CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure just to insure healthy breathing and prevent other associated symptoms.

Now, rather than using a CPAP, scientists have found that weight loss is actually the best and most practical way in eliminating sleep apnea. During the study, participants who had the most severe cases benefited the most from the regimen for losing weight as well. They did not only get better figures from the scale, they also started having more restful and peaceful sleep. Great for their loved ones whom they sleep with too, right?

Anyway, overweight people are often more prone to having sleep apnea because the physical movement of air through their lungs and trachea are affected by their body fats. As you already know, the US has an alarming obesity problem and therefore has equally alarming cases of sleep apnea, too. The great news is that battling obesity can cure sleep apnea. The greater thing is that it also provides other fantastic health benefits such as reducing risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. It even decreases the risk of catching influenza! See? Keeping a healthy body weight is perhaps the single most necessary thing a person can do to improve his or her health.

Now, the problem is how do you do this when the lifestyle you pursue in the modern society makes it almost impossible to attain weight loss? Imagine people working 12 hours a day, commuting 2 hours on each, eating processed foods and spending most of their lives under artificial light indoors. Who could say that staying fit is easy? What's easy is to pinpoint is this: the only solution to attaining and keeping a healthy weight is to change your lifestyle.

If you truly want to be healthy and say goodbye to obesity as well as its other symptoms such as sleep apnea, you must live a different life. Eat healthier food, spend more outside rather than your cubicle, and enjoy nature more.

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