Friday, March 7, 2008

Lose 10 Pounds Fast - Revealed - The Exercise Free Way

If you are wanting to lose 10 pounds fast you'll be thankful to hear that it can be done and it's easier than you may have thought, and this can be done without even exercising.

For those looking to lose weight, the calorie shifting diet is fast becoming a phenomenon amongst them. They claim that by using there method you will be able to get rid of 9 pounds in just 11 days. To be honest I found this incredibly hard to believe so imagine my shock when a search of various weight loss forums revealed hundreds of users that had done just as the diet claimed.

The technique involves rotating the foods you eat and the calories those foods contain to stop the metabolism slowing down. Calorie shifting not only maintains your metabolism but it actually increases it. The reason for this is that the body doesn't understand what is going on so as a reaction against this it speeds up your metabolism which results in losing weight at a greater speed.

Rigorous exercise programs may bring results but in truth you already need to be fairly healthy to be able to achieve them. If you aren't you will find them hard going and risk injury.

I'm not saying you should avoid exercise if you are looking to lose 10 pounds fast as done in the right amount it obviously has its health benefits and alongside something like a calorie shifting diet it adds even greater results. However for those of you that simply don't have the time to spare or that want quick weight loss it is good to know there is an option.

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